Wednesday, January 30, 2013


"Faith. The problem with the word Faith is that it's been defined according to, primarily, what one believe in. So, every mind has beliefs that they have Faith in. Faith being this 'trust' that whatever they believe in, will come to fruition. The consequence of Faith in its relationship to Belief - is No Action. Because the Consciousness of the Human will have their Faith in Belief - Belief as knowledge and information they materialized into an entity/force in their Minds, connecting that with a relationship of Faith that is a form of Trust. So, this means that - human beings have Trust misplaced into Belief. Even gone as far as making Faith/Mind Trust aligned with a Belief - so creating a Belief out of Faith itself.Faith. The Solution is a Faith in/as Self that is Certain, that is Real, that is VISIBLE. Where it is not based on a trust/faith that you have in a belief/something/someone in the Mind that has proven NO substantial, real living solutions to life/living on earth; but this Faith/Trust is something you laboured in/as your Practical Living Change, and can provide the Evidence of this Labour in writing, and in Living. Thus, the Solution as Redefinition of Faith - is a Living Trust in yourself, in who you are, what you stand for and what you stand as; that is physically evidenced in your constant, continuous relationship with yourself, others and existence as a whole. And So, Faith/Living Trust becomes a Presence as who you are. 

Faith. Reward. You reap the rewards of your Self-Living/Labour in establishing this Faith as Living Trust in/as who you are, what you stand for/as and actually bring forth, through Living Action, change in this world/reality. A Practical measure for Faith redefined is that, you have the Trust in you as you walk and prepare yourself in this process, that: who you are within what/how you live will come to fruition and that nothing will/can change unless you put the living effort to do so - writing, communication, expanding, courses etc. - becoming an expert in Living; and so eventually it will not only be self that benefit, but also those that walk with you as a Living Example of LIFE/Living Faith as Living Trust in/as Self." ~Sunette Spies


"made superior. Mostly, Belief is in fact abused for those that do not want to/see themselves as capable of doing something/changing something, and so instead create an alternate version/representation of self into/as something/someone else one believe to be more capable of doing it

 Like, we created Belief into/as Money – giving money the responsibility to manage survival. Created a belief in God – to manage consequence of individual human beings’ lives on earth and/or reward for human being’s lives on earth.

Belief. The Solution. So, have a look at what one created a relationship of belief towards, superiorized – and see what part of self, self had separated responsibility into/as. Cause, you’ll only create a belief out of something/someone, if you yourself believe that you cannot do it. Then, from there – see how it can be changed, how can you take that Responsibility within/as the principle of/as what’s best for all. So, we use beli

ef practically; bring it back to personal self responsibility.

Believe. The Solution. Believing is the Personality that develop in relationship to Faith and Belief – where we create a real energy entity/presence as we truly BELIEVE this faith/belief to be ‘right’ – so to make Believe real, we have to become the visible force within this physical existence for human beings to really be able to see a prospect of a future for humanity. This will create a constructive believing in/as human natur

e to change and there in fact being a future for humanity. So replacing current Mind-believing to real physical believing/achieving of change." ~Sunette Spies