Sunday, February 26, 2012


Response Ability - the ability to respond in a way that is best for all and if one sees that one is not able to respond in a way that is best for all, one takes the necessary steps of correcting and educating self to be able to do so

breathing, writing, self honesty, self forgiveness, corrective action = responsibility

Practical knowledge - knowledge that can be lived in thought, word and deed by all human beings equal and one that is based within an outcome of what is/will be best for all --Knowledge about how the physical-body functions

knowledge about how the world system works and functions, how the physical body words and functions in all arenas that exists.

knowledge to do with waste-reduction and waste processing

the word responsibility requires an all encompassing answer or those that have specialist knowledge will not take you seriously

Questions should be answered such as:

what food can be produced where?

what food technology is available and which of these must be revisited as it was only designed to maximize profit?

why is all living species on earth not yet found and studied?


Responsibility is becoming beings that use what is here taking into consideration the outflows and consequences of such actions toward a best for all outcome to maintain and sustain this living organism as the world - everyone is then equally responsible as we are all equally here

Can the education of child be more effective and be based on responsibility towards self and the world in understanding its total functionality and interdependence?

If all children are educated in skills and knowledge about the world as a living organism that must function to support all life in ways best for all, would we have anew human?

if we direct education towards equality --every one will be comprehensivist

when every one understand the world and each other --fear will be exterminated

when ego is identified as a real mental disorder , would that change the world effectively?

we can change the world with ease through re -education with the primary agenda universal life responsibility --and the change of the world is one word; responsibility in all its forms

Saturday, February 25, 2012


dimensional - that which cannot be physically lived in self-action

dimensional refers to one particular dimension - within that only that dimension is considered/seen

Dimensional - the outflows of this physical-reality that has been fragmented into separate dimensions/forms such as mind/energy/illusions that are to be aligned back into equality and oneness as what's best for all


Life - that which forms part of the interdependent support that is here that make agreement/relationship possible -- life only exist as agreements --not as individual parts

the human is an agreement of billions of cells

Life - that which forms part of the interdependent support that is here that make relationships/agreements of/as what's best for all in all ways possible always

life exists by/through agreements and relationships and the dynamics/interplay between them - all that is here is creating/co-creating that which is here

When agreements are not equal and one--we experience a world of separation ans one part regards itself as more important than another part

Life - interdependent agreements that support unconditionally support all parts as equals

Agreement as life thus must always be founded and moving as that which is best for all parts of life -- this one and equal

Interesting that all desire relationships, but will not live it unless they feel special and thus it end up not working out as it is not what is best for all parts


the total interactive awareness of all parts in mutual support and directive principle in the movement and establishment of equality for all life


self as what is best for all will be the accumulative effect of movement in all dimensions that always result in what is best for all -- thus there is a self as the universe as well. Self as individual and self as Universe must be equal and one always

Self is
the part of the whole which I am directly responsible for in each breath

the self is a group of celss that co exist under the direction of its combined energy in a projected form as personality

self is the origin - the beginning and the end, cause and effect

self - an individualization/expression within what is best for all as oneness and equality

self - that which will birth into the living example of equality and oneness as what's best for all

Self is in separation when only an "I AM" exist instead of a Living Here principle within what's best for all .
'I am' in context of the personality will define only some prefered dimensions that would form part of the definition of self interest and ego

So - the process will be essentially from "I Am" to Self Here - with self as the living principle of/as what's best for all in actual reality. A living principle is that which is best for all always


that which do not support what is best for all life in every way possible

separation is considering self in disregard of all others as the whole

separation - the compromise of that which is one and equal in favor of self interest

separation creates a perception that best cannot be for all, then competition and individuality come up

Separation - not realizing that what is here is in fact you -- Separation is forcing illusion to act as though it is real

separation creates inequality and undermines the possibility of all reaching the utmost potential as creators

to claim not being aware that one is in separation will always ultimately reveal it self as self deception

separation is what lead to abuse, separation is justification to abuse others and not consider others as equal


best will be a word we use a lot -- and it will always equate to one outcome

best for all in all ways possible -- there cannot be any more 'best' than that

the word possible is specific as to not limit what is best for all --possible opens the avenues to expansion/'real evolution' as we walk what is best for all

What is best is a mathematical equation of equilibrium where all life forms support one another as self to live as symbiotic as possible

what's best is that which will accumulate to what is to the utmost benefit for all life equally

taking all that exist here on earth into account, as a whole, an optimum outcome of an action or decision


A Destonian is a person that is committed to the establishment of a world that is best for all life.