Sunday, February 26, 2012


Response Ability - the ability to respond in a way that is best for all and if one sees that one is not able to respond in a way that is best for all, one takes the necessary steps of correcting and educating self to be able to do so

breathing, writing, self honesty, self forgiveness, corrective action = responsibility

Practical knowledge - knowledge that can be lived in thought, word and deed by all human beings equal and one that is based within an outcome of what is/will be best for all --Knowledge about how the physical-body functions

knowledge about how the world system works and functions, how the physical body words and functions in all arenas that exists.

knowledge to do with waste-reduction and waste processing

the word responsibility requires an all encompassing answer or those that have specialist knowledge will not take you seriously

Questions should be answered such as:

what food can be produced where?

what food technology is available and which of these must be revisited as it was only designed to maximize profit?

why is all living species on earth not yet found and studied?


Responsibility is becoming beings that use what is here taking into consideration the outflows and consequences of such actions toward a best for all outcome to maintain and sustain this living organism as the world - everyone is then equally responsible as we are all equally here

Can the education of child be more effective and be based on responsibility towards self and the world in understanding its total functionality and interdependence?

If all children are educated in skills and knowledge about the world as a living organism that must function to support all life in ways best for all, would we have anew human?

if we direct education towards equality --every one will be comprehensivist

when every one understand the world and each other --fear will be exterminated

when ego is identified as a real mental disorder , would that change the world effectively?

we can change the world with ease through re -education with the primary agenda universal life responsibility --and the change of the world is one word; responsibility in all its forms

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