Friday, March 9, 2012


Redefining "Peace" into an expression of oneness and equality as a living application of what is best for all:When sounding the word 'Peace', it sounds a lot like the word 'piece', which already implies a separation. Peace as 'piece', as how I have been applying and using the word up to now has always been within this starting point of capitalism, wherein 'peace' is only able to be 'experienced'
  • when I have my 'piece',disregarding others and only focusing on the personal wealth that ensures the survival of myself in this reality where millions suffer, starve and die. I would then claim 'peace' as some kind of spiritual experience within myself that apparently has got nothing to do with my material 'piece' that I need to in fact be able to experience this 'peace' within myself, so as to hide the truth which is that I am actually only interested in getting my 'piece' in this world (but I don't want to seem selfish so I'll call myself a 'peaceful being' as apparently 'transcendent' of the physical needs. Which is completely self-dishonest and self-deceptive.
  • when we all have our 'piece of the pie' - for instance in a family with children, the children will very easily bicker and fight when they feel like one got more than the other and they didn't get their 'fair share/piece'. So within this, an equilibrium is attempted to be attained/maintained by the parents. However this is sometimes rather difficult as this 'peace' is based on ego within the system of capitalism, wherein each child/person is basically only thinking about themselves within the desire of 'getting as much as possible' and thus 'having more than the other'. So the parent is like the 'referee' that tries to keep everything 'fair' and 'peaceful' by giving each an equal amount of stuff/money/attention. Though this is not real, applicable peace that is best for all, because within this, the ego of the children/people is being supported within the belief that this desire to 'have lots of stuff' and 'have more than another' even when there is more than enough is normal.

In other words the 'peace' that is being applied in this world at the moment, is one of separation and ego, in a society-system wherein each one is actually only trying to get more than all the others - and 'peace' is then maintained through laws and regulations, that in essence only further support this selfish mentality within the human and that is not functional on a larger scale - as within this selfish, profit driven society/mentality, there will always be 'losers' - though then to apparently 'keep the peace', we come up with all sorts of excuses to apparently be able to justify why some have more than others, like for instance the illusion of 'survival of the fittest' that is apparently 'human nature', when really that doesn't make any sense because we're not even considering that within this 'human race' as the 'game of survival of the fittest', we are not getting an equal starting point when we 'begin the game' as some are born in poverty and some in wealth.

Therefore, because our 'laws' that are here to 'keep the peace' and because our excuses and justifications for the existence of poverty and starvation and suffering in this world don't make any sense - we create wars, as the 'winners' are pushing the 'losers' of this world to the brink of absolute suffering and extinction where they have no choice but to murder, steal and take up arms to just be able to survive in this reality.

So, who am I as PEACE as the living expression of life itself as what is best for all, as what serves that which is best for all in the best possible way?

Peace is only real, when all is considered as me, when I place myself within and as the shoes of another being and then move myself according to what i see is necessary to be done so that all may be able to experience this 'peace' within 'having a piece' in and of this world to be able to live in dignity. Because i realize that 'peace' within and as this physically manifested reality is not and cannot be an energetic experience within self, because this energy does not take into account who i really am as a part of this physical reality, as a body that needs nurturing such as food, water, shelter, etc. I realize that 'peace' as an energetic experience within self is only selfishness and really has got nothing to do with reality, as the reality that is here wherein all living beings, all life-forms are me - and therefore I can only be 'at peace' within and as myself when I am absolutely sure that all life-forms as me are at peace.

I realize that the 'peace' that i have been experiencing in this world is an experience of separation because i did not consider all 'pieces' of and in this reality as myself, one and equal - therefore i created an unequal reality, only minding my personal 'inner peace' - yet really being at war/conflict with myself, never being able to truly accept myself because i was not willing to see another as myself and live the peace that i professed.

Peace can only be real when i am sure that all pieces of reality are 'at peace' - then i am 'pieced back together again'. So, i live the word peace as in each and every moment considering all 'pieces' of me, as all of existence that is here, with and as myself, as i realize myself as one and equal with all that is here instead of a selfish consciousness system of apparent separation as 'individuality' that is only minding 'its own piece', while creating a reality of war while all others starve and die.

I live the word peace as the expansion of myself as the realization of myself within and as all life that exist here - to ensure in each and every moment that all may live in the best way possible - and that all receives as how i would like to receive, manifesting actual peace as a reality wherein no being will ever again have to fight another and create war with another to live.

And peace within and as practical real application is not just an 'inner experience of silence' wherein I can basically 'shut myself off' from the wars and conflict in this world in an attempt to make myself believe/experience as though it is not here - peace as the living expression of myself is to be and remain 'silent' within myself as stable and constant to be able to in each and every moment direct this world into and as what is best for all to establish this stability and peace for each living being - within and as the realization of 'that which is best for me is best for all'


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