Saturday, March 10, 2012


"compassion - standing in the shoes of another - daring to create a world where we can all stand is all's shoes"

"currently compassion is like saying there is reasons for suffering, feeling bad for them, and just praying for a change - praying is how we pretend we are compassionate "

~Kristina Salas

"Compassion has become the feeling of Ego to justify status/position towards those less fortunate and maintains that separation through constructing a 'I am compassionate human being' - but again: does nothing practical to relieve the situation for all, equally as one in this world but only gossip in their friend-circles about their ego's compassion and so generate energy in their illusionary reality" ~Sunette Spies

"compassion as an understanding of what another being is going through, but is not acted on is actually evil" ~Kelly Posey

"compassion is the active living of a solution as another because due to circumstance they are unable to stand up for themselves"

"compassion is the understanding of the suffering of another and to take action to make sure the suffering is removed from the accepted reality and to never give up till it is done"

~Bernard Poolman

"Compassion is the act of sharing and giving of oneself as self is able to see the path of another as self" ~Esteni De Wet

How have I experienced COMPASSION within my life? I remember that as a child I was not 'compassionate', as that word that grown ups would sometimes use - I really did not care about the other children, and I was always only thinking about myself. For instance, when I saw another child crying, I did not feel anything within myself, I did not feel any form of pity, compassion or sadness and I didn't have that automatic reaction of 'awww' that grown ups and some children would have to then immediately go and comfort that child.

So eventually I would start to cultivate the experience of 'compassion' within myself, so that I could feel as though I am a 'good person' according to certain standards that were apparently set in society about what it means to be a 'good person', which is 'someone that is compassionate', 'someone who cares about another' and 'someone who helps others' - so I deliberately created an experience that was not really me, out of fear of other people, fear of being rejected by society and the desire to be accepted and seen as a 'part of the human society/reality'. I would thus basically pretend to care about how human beings felt and apparently 'feel sorry for them' when they felt 'bad'/'negative' - because in self-honesty, I don't care and I never really have truly cared about how beings feel, even though I was apparently supposed to according to my environment. I only pretended to care about how they felt because I wanted them to care about how I felt, and the interesting thing about this is that I always actually believed that other people really do care about me, not considering/seeing that maybe that is also just pretends just like I am pretending.

In reality all I really felt within myself was lots of fears towards my environment, towards this world - and to be compassionate when I saw a being suffering, was like trying to justify the fear that I felt to stand up and direct the situation so that this being wouldn't have to suffer anymore. For instance the 'compassion' that I would experience within myself towards those that are starving to death in Africa, seeing the images of the children that are skin over bones - is actually a feeling/experience that originates from the emotional experience of powerlessness as fear within myself towards the world, wherein I actually know deep down within myself that I could do something to stop this suffering and change this world into a world that is best for all, yet I feel so afraid of the world and what might happen to me that I feel paralyzed and will thus never actually move myself to make the change possible - and then I use this experience of 'compassion' within myself towards the images that I see in the news to make myself and others believe that 'I do care', even when my actions prove the opposite, so that I can still in a way justify my existence as apparently 'a good person'.

In other words, the way I have 'lived' the word 'compassion' has been very deceptive as I only used this word as an empty experience that served my ego so that I could feel good about allowing the abuse that I see to exist in this reality. And I never realized my responsibility towards this world - I never realized that if I do not live compassion as a self-honest living practical application of myself and just use the word out of self-interested motives, than others will as well because that is what I am supporting in my reality - thus I am creating a reality wherein no one cares about anyone or anything and what is worse, when someone is in fact suffering, everyone else pretends to care to make themselves feel good. Small actions are taken to 'show that we are compassionate beings' though real solutions are never implemented and real lasting change is never considered - thus only perpetuating the suffering, making it an endless painful dying process that stretches out over generations, which is in fact worse than if we had simply done nothing at all because at least then things would be clear.

Whereas now, these beings in Africa are being deceived by our apparent 'compassion' that we 'show' in our 'food-aid', 'doctors without borders', 'UNICEF', 'Oxfam', etc. into believing that we actually care about them and that we are such good samaritans. We are luring them into trusting us and into believing in us as these apparent 'Messiah' that come their with all our food, water and medication as the 'saviors', while we will never actually make any lasting change because that would mean that we'd have to give up our lifestyles of luxury with all our cheap products made with cheap third-world labor. And so they become stuck in this illusion that we are the 'white angels' that will 'save' and 'help' them, wherein they would gladly place their lives in our hands, trusting that we will take the best care of them, never realizing that it is all a pretty illustion that we spin in front of their eyes to make ourselves feel good about allowing such abuse to exist in the world, because 'we're helping, aren't we?!'.

Really, if we would stop helping them, what would happen? They would realize what actual assholes we really are, they would realize that they're being duped by us, they're being exploited, disregarded, sucked dry, shoved aside by the 'world economy' and its 'big players' - and they'd actually start standing up for themselves. If they were to see the evil that we are doing to them, they would stand up and change their situation themselves.

Yet, since the beginning when we got there, we brought our 'compassion' with us, along with our slave-trade market and businesses - we went there with our priests, our 'missionaries' that were the apparent 'white angels of God', cleverly brainwashing them into believing that there is something seriously wrong with them and they should therefore always trust us, no matter what we do, no matter how much we suck the life out of them, abuse and use them for our own personal goals and satisfaction - not unsimilar to how parents raise their children - we do it all because 'we love them' as we are such 'loving beings'.

So now, what has our 'compassion' done? - besides reveal to us that we are such deceivers, such liars, wherein compassion is nothing but a handy tool that we use to continue lying and deceiving.

To be truly COMPASSIONATE, as to truly care about other beings and to truly 'have their best interests at heart' is to not simply speak words without practical physical action. Real compassion is to see, realize and understand that this reality is suffering - and to then have the guts to stand up as a self-respecting being and dedicate self to stopping the suffering once and for all for all living beings. It is to stand up for those of which I see that they are not able to stand up for themselves and give myself completely for what is best for all, within the realization that if I do not stand as/for what is best for all in every moment of breath unconditionally, then I am not real as all that is real is life here, all life-forms that exist here - as the image and likeness of myself as life/existence. All life that is here, is me, so if I do not live as the living application of compassion as what is best for all, then I am basically making a statement that I am not life and thus deserve to die and be non-existent.

To be truly compassionate is not to put up a show, as an 'image of self' to show to other beings and God 'what a good person I am' - compassion in action is to in fact in each and every moment consider the practicalities of what it takes to establish heaven on earth for all life-forms - and to direct myself accordingly within this reality. Real compassion is to realize, see and understand that there is immense suffering in this reality - and to then have the guts and the self-respect to stand up and do whatever it takes to create the world/reality that I know should be here - instead of standing passively on the sidelines, within the belief that this passive attitude is justified because of apparent 'free choice'. Instead of realizing that 'free choice' is a fairy tale that I have copied from my parents/environment that may sound nice in theory and that is apparently 'ok' and 'real' within this reality where every human uses this 'free choice' as an excuse/justification/validation for this existence - yet when it comes to the realization of myself here, of myself as a self-responsible being, and when it comes to the realization that I am alone here within and as myself, there also emerges the realization that what I allow to exist here is what I allow to exist within myself - as I actually make a statement of who I am to myself as existence in each action that I take in each moment of breath, in what I allow and what I do not allow.

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