Friday, March 9, 2012


"Love - to not give up on yourself or others/existence - but willing to stand no matter what, to not accept and allow anything less than the principle of/as what's best for all and be willing to take the risks/actions necessary to get this done" ~Sunette Spies

"Love practically is what parents claim they do when they correct a child --if only they would direct the child in the correct direction which is what is best for all life" ~Bernard Poolman

Redefining the word LOVE to stand the test of time and into a word that will effectively support a world that is best for all life.

What is 'love' at the moment - and what has 'love' been for me in my life? Love has always been something that was connected with a desire, the desire to 'experience' this apparently profound 'love' that the world seems so obsessed about. I have actually always felt like I wasn't being loved enough, i didn't get the love that I needed, and was always looking for 'love' as this warm experience of complete acceptance, feeling accepted, respected, noticed, cared for - and especially, feeling 'special'.

Love in this world at the moment, has got a lot to do with the desire of human beings to feel special - and thus we are continuously searching for 'the one' that will notice us, that will complete our lives so that we may 'fulfill' our 'special purpose' in life and feel 'closer to God' within this experience of 'being loved'. So 'love' at the moment is a very conditional expression that is not a living statement of who we are, because we are 'looking' and 'searching' for it - and we're trying to 'generate' the experience of love inside of ourselves as this positive energetic experience and then we're trying to 'radiate' that love 'outwards' towards 'other people' in our attempt to 'help them because we're such 'good beings', so 'positive'.

And there is apparently on the other hand so much 'negativity' in this world - so much 'hate', that there are many people who will deliberately 'generate' love within themselves to 'counter' the hate that they see/feel in the world, within the belief that this 'love' vibration will win from the 'hate' vibration.

In other words - in this context love is obviously a reactive experience that is in fact motivated by hate, as an attempt to 'eradicate' hate with 'love' - which implies that there exist a certain fear towards hate as the reason why people will want to 'get rid of hate', and fears are always only considering self as personal survival and not 'the bigger picture'.

'Love' is really just a reactive expression/experience based on and driven by a fear of hate, fear of 'negativity' - wherein all of reality is not being considered. What is best for all and whether or not this 'love' experience and 'meditating on the energy of love' is actually what is best for this world as all of life is not considered at all, as love is really just an energetic reaction, just like hate is.

And within these such energetic reactions, be it emotions or feelings, what is practical and effective is never looked at or investigated, because reactions in itself is impulsive and ignorant, only considering personal survival. Therefore love as an energy has never and will never bring the solution for this reality, and it will never stop the 'hate' and 'negativity'.

The same goes for 'love' between family members or friends, as the 'special people' in ones life that apparently deserve 'special attention' and 'value' - in fact, this 'giving special attention/value to these specific beings in our lives' is the very reason why we are not seeing this love as a living statement in and of this world - because each being is too busy spending all their 'loving attention' to only a few beings as their friends and family, saying 'fuck you' to the rest of the world.

So what is LOVE then as a practical living application that actually will create a heaven on earth?
  • Love is definitely not an energetic experience as that would only cause us to divert our attention towards 'something ethereal' like an 'alternate reality' that cannot be seen and that isn't actually HERE, basically losing ourselves within an experience that only seems real for ourselves yet not for anyone else in and of this world - no matter how much we try to 'radiate' it towards the world.
  • Love cannot imply there being a 'special value' within a specific being or object that will then get all the attention, causing us to also become lost within a one-dimensional view on reality as all we are seeing is that one point, that one being/object that we experience 'love' towards - disregarding all that exist here in this world, allowing hate to roam the world while we 'feed on 'the energetic experience of 'love' within ourselves as 'our special experience' in 'our special personal reality'

So in essence, LOVE should not take our attention/focus/presence away from what is here as what is going on in this world - it should not be something that 'sweeps us off our feet', because that would imply that we are not taking responsibility for what happens here in reality. So, I realize that how I had always been accepting and experiencing 'love' is as a sort of escape from reality and from taking responsibility for reality as I felt afraid of all the 'hate' and 'negativity' that I saw in reality - and within this I actually victimized myself through trying to escape from 'hate' within the experience of 'love', actually stating that 'poor me, I am too weak/small/inferior/powerless' to face this 'scary/big' reality so I need an alternate reality of positive 'loving' feelings that I generate when I sit alone in my room, listen to music, sit with my friends and family and do the things that I like, to comfort me.

Wherein I don't even notice that I am allowing all of the 'negativity' and 'hate' that I see in reality to happen in other peoples lives that don't have the money that I have to buy their 'special lifestyle' and relationships to create their 'personal/private' world wherein they can generate these positive feelings of love - because instead of standing up and realizing that what I don't want for myself in my life shouldn't exist in another beings life either, and accordingly directing this reality to ensure that each beings life is equally valued and supported, I hid away in self-interest as fears and said 'fuck you' to the world while I pre-occupied myself with 'love' in my own self-created bubble-world of family and friends.

So I realize that real practical, effective LOVE is within and as the physical action that i take in this reality wherein i move myself in each and every moment to establish a world wherein each being receives the support that i would want to receive for myself - this is love made visible. Real love is caring for another as myself - considering another as myself, within consideration of what is actually real. So this 'love' is never based on assumptions, expectations, hopes, feelings, beliefs, wherein I would 'assume' that if I simply feel love towards people and smile a lot to let people see that I feel that love towards them, that everything will just 'magically' fix itself' - no, this love has to be in the most practical context, wherein I consider the technical details of what it actually takes to support all life in fact, so in no way based on hope and faith that 'it will all work out' because I would not want this for myself.

I would want to be able to trust on this 'love'. And hope and faith are not things that I can trust on as they have nothing to do with my physical situation. Actual love starts within self-honesty, as the actual looking within myself as what I would want for myself in this reality - and the reality is that I just want security and safety, I want to be able to live in dignity in this reality - to be sure that I have food, water and shelter every day. And that is why this 'energetic love' that we 'radiate' throughout the world is absolute bullshit because if we were to look at our own lives in self-honesty, we'd have to realize that that energy is useless - so then why would we 'send it out' to others in the assumption that in some way and for some reason they will be able to use it? Seriously, what are those that simply need food in their stomachs and water to drink and clean themselves with going to do with energetic love that they can't see, touch, eat or drink?

this type of delusions are easy to uphold and participate in when you actually have all of these physical needs met - then you can make yourself believe that the energetic experience of 'love' is going to save the world, instead of realizing that energetic love does not feed you, so it will not feed another either.

So, the real LOVE is in the practical support that we give to each other, it is in showing that we can be trusted to take care of each other - showing that we care enough to pay attention to and consider what another being actually needs to be able to live in dignity, not based on assumptions and feelings but on actual practical considerations, wherein we place ourselves in their shoes and consider the kind of support that we would need/like in their situation - within and as the realization of self as one and equal with and as all of life that exist here.

Real LOVE is seen within the consistency of the application of support - so it is definitely not a momentary energetic rush that 'takes you over' and 'sweeps you off your feet' into a 'profound' experience, that makes you want to do everything for this person and that is gone after a while, leaving you disinterested to do anything for this being anymore. So LOVE really in essence has got nothing to do with feelings or inner experiences, because these experiences cannot be trusted as they are energy that transforms, changes and comes and goes as it pleases.

That which is REAL must be able to be trusted at all times - so for the expression of LOVE to be REAL, it must be trustworthy and thus consistent, constant and stable as an unconditional expression that stands the test of time.

LOVE is to be humble and realize/see another as me and to consider within my actions in each and every moment that what i do unto another, i do unto me - and to be willing to stand as that point of absolute trust, as what i have always been looking for all of my life, to stand as the living example for all as me, as the point of what is best for all, and not give up or give into reactions of ego like fear, as i realize that by identifying myself with fear, i am actually supporting a reality of fear for every living being that exist.

Love is to realize that what i allow to exist within myself, is what i allow to exist within another, and what i allow to exist in another is what i allow to exist within myself - and to stand up for life/existence as what is best for all life to only allow the very best to exist within another/all as myself.

The Equal Money System is such a Real expression of LOVE - that is based on the equal consideration of all life to ensure that all beings receive the support that they need to live in dignity - within and as the principle of loving thy neighbor as thyself.

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