Wednesday, March 14, 2012


in terms of the word 'world' - that is sounded as 'whirled' - is quite an interesting point, as the word 'whirled' in itself implies the egotistical standing/viewpoint of the human. Where we, when we say 'i exist in the world' - this 'world' actually only implies that 'spiral' wherein i am apparently 'the center point' and everything 'whirls' around me - as we, within the word 'world' clearly only focus on the 'whirled' aspect about the world, the point of the world 'evolving around' a singular point, like how the ego desires all and everything to evolve around itself to make itself feel important. When really, the fact that the world 'whirls' is the most irrelevant part about it, because that doesn't directly have anything to do with actual life that is here - and only entices the human to focus on the 'more' part, the belief that there is apparently something 'more' than what is simply here as life itself.

This is exactly why we have been brainwashed to become these ego's through words (that we define ourselves with within our minds) as the belief that self is the center of everything,

and the reason why we have to redefine words to become a point of self-directiveness, wherein we make sure that the words we speak do not come from a pre-programmed perspective that will only support our ego as self-interest but will rather stand for what is best for all life equal and one..

so for instance, to say 'i exist in the world', within the principle of what is best for all life, would imply that i stand here within and as the realization that i exist here, and what is here as the world is my 'home', it is me, one and equal - therefore it does not 'evolve/whirl around me', it is me so i am completely responsible for creating and supporting a world/an existence that is best for all life that exist in the world that is also me.

I realize that there is no point in pre-occupying myself with the fact that the world apparently 'whirls' as that is the ego perspective of the word 'world', that is always looking for an experience to get away from HERE.

From the starting point of oneness and equality as what is best for all - the world implies the simplicity of life as my environment as all that is here wherein i am responsible for myself - no matter where i am or whether or not the ground/planet that i stand on is whirling in some universe, as that is completely irrelevant knowledge/information.

And i am responsible for directing my environment as 'my/the world' according to what is best for all in oneness and equality - wherein I decide the 'state of the world', I decide within my direct environment what the world is as a living statement of who I am.

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